
Documentary Credit、Clean Credi、Irrevocable L/C等都是贸易往来中所会涉及的信用证种类,而Irrevocable L/C所对应的是Revocable L/C,对比分析可知,前者所具有的实用性要高于后者,因此在外贸往来过程之中,使用后者所具有的效果更为显著一些,能够让贸易方的收益得到保障。

信用证流程图之中的不可撤销 信用证更适合交易使用

Irrevocable L/C所指的是什么呢?它所指的是交易双方指定某银行开出信用证之后,只要这一信用证处于有效期之内,如果没有获得相关当事人的认可,那么开出这一信用证的银行就不能够对其进行撤回,或者是对相关内容进行修改,只要交易方中的受益人所提供的相应单据符合其规定,该银行就要履行其应具有的责任。在欧美国家一般对其解释为“It means that the issuing bank can not amend or cancel the credit unilaterally without the consent of the beneficiary and the parties concerned within the validity period of the letter of credit once it has been issued. As long as the documents provided by the beneficiary meet the requirements of the letter of credit, the issuing bank must fulfil its payment obligations.”。在对外商贸往来过程之中,应该在相关的沟通之中对于信用证使用类型提出需求,一般而言都应选择对自己这一方最有利的类型,例如对于销售方而言Irrevocable L/C就是很适合使用的一种信用证类型。因此在信用证流程图中对其一定要加深了解。

信用证流程图之中的不可撤销 信用证更适合交易使用


Mr. Gibson

We are glad that you are interested in the decorative paintings produced by our company. According to your order list, we need 1000 abstract decorative paintings in the living room, 500 Nordic bedroom decorative paintings and 450 modern abstract decorative paintings in the living room. The price of decorative paintings is so high that we communicated before. We have no objection to the price. A 3% discount will be given.

You mentioned the use of revocable letters of credit in the course of trade, but because of the management requirements of our company in the course of business, it is stipulated that irrevocable letters of credit should be used in the course of the corresponding transactions, so it is unacceptable under the system for such letters of credit as you use, and we hope you will be able to do so at 10. The L/C will be converted into an irrevocable L/C by 30 January, and we will arrange shipment before 2 January after receipt of the L/C. At present, the company has sufficient supplies. We can arrange shipment at any time according to your actual needs. The transportation cost and insurance cost will be borne by you during the transaction. Because of the large quantity of decorative paintings sold this time, the style of the paintings can not be guaranteed to be consistent, and the final interpretation is at our disposal.

信用证流程图之中的不可撤销 信用证更适合交易使用




如上案例回函之中,销售方重点提及了产品的样式,尤为重要的是提到了“You mentioned the use of revocable letters of credit in the course of trade, but because of the management requirements of our company in the course of business, the use of irrevocable letters of credit is required in the course of the corresponding transactions, so this form of letter of credit used by you is not acceptable under the system.” 在这其中重点指出了在交易过程中所收取的信用证必须是不可撤销信用证,在这方面没有任何协商的余地,由于该公司产品销售数量较多,而且受到了众多用户的关注,所以产品一向是供不应求的直接指出“We hope you will convert the L / C to irrevocable L / C by October 30th.”这一点指出了需求对方提供信用证的时间,如果超出这一时间,很有可能无法达成这笔交易。


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